Will Creswick

November 2021 saw Storm Arwen, a powerful extratropical cyclone, strike Northern England, Scotland and parts of Wales. The manifestation of deep pressure traveling southwards from the Atlantic Ocean, Arwen recorded the highest winds in the North-East since 1984. The storm left behind a trail of devastation across the UK including 112,000 homes without power, millions of trees uprooted, and 3 fatalities. Despite this catastrophic impact, the mass media coverage of storm Arwen appeared fleeting.

Photographed throughout the storm’s subsequent weeks in and around Will’s local area of Newcastle, this project depicts a sobering visual account of the damage’s extent. He brings to light the immediate effects of climate change through an empathetic depiction of nature; the tangled remains of trees leaving behind a broader, more ominous reminder of what will happen if the UK doesn’t appropriately act against climate change.

Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK



Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us