
Denham Ford Protection Camp is one of many camps that exist as part of the Stop HS2 Campaign. HS2 is a controversial and costly project that seeks to make a faster train line between London and Manchester by mere minutes. In the process, it is destroying what is left of our ancient British woodland. In a climate emergency, the defenders of the project say that increasing the capacity of trains will cut carbon emissions. We say the loss of biodiversity and trees pails in comparison to shaving a few minutes of a commute that people no longer take due to the pandemic. Unsurprisingly this part of the line is in Uxbridge, Boris Johnson’s constituency. The Prime Minister, despite criticism from other members of his cabinet, is ploughing on with the project to fill his own pockets. In contrast to this, the Protection Camp exists without any wealth and does not seek it either. The food is a mixture of donations, waste products and home-cooked meals. We live as sustainably as possible and with anarchist ideology, there is room for everyone to learn and grow and seek what they need without prevention. Showcasing an alternative way of living to the neoliberal dogma and that it is completely possible to live with anarchic values instead.

London, UK



Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us