Joshua Turner

In Search of a Deer is a body of work built on Cartesian ideas about how we perceive landscapes, and how our individual perception will influence our interaction and understanding of the natural world. This work observes and explores landscapes local to the artist, gathering an idea of how 'nature' may be perceived by an individual. This work intends to consider the separation between the individual and their relationship with natural landscapes, as more people are moving to live in urban environments, shuffling closer to the centre of a city, our interaction with nature is warping. As this relationship warps, we are losing an understanding of how nature is adopted, commodified and manipulated. This work intends to observe some of the complexities of our interaction with these landscapes, contextualised through our interpretation that is informed by environmental aesthetics and ecological morality.

Salford, England



Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us