Charlotte Dobson

The project aims to investigate nature (water and plants) through various forms of light, both with a spotlight and in the historical form of photograms. The photogram is an analysis of tone and texture, and the various depths and layers of our nature. The project’s method is motivated by self-reflection of the climate crisis, as samples, sections of thoughts that become pieced together. Similarly, how collective actions become stronger, pieced together, sealing a puzzle almost. The process involved interacting with nature: almost as if trying to spend as much time with it as possible. I lost my Grandma in 2017. It was never enough time with her. Touching the roots of the plant, but not destroying it. Dipping the darkroom print into the water to wash it. How nature synchronises with itself, how it meets other boundaries. How rivers flow into the sea. Nature perhaps longs to have a spotlight on itself, to avoid the fading of our planet as we see it.

Warrington, UK



Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us
Then There Was Us